Baron Von Rotten

HOLY CRAP ITS COLD! To quell any preconceived notions of Iraqi winters, it gets cold here, crappy bitter cold. Today I woke up, walked outside to the outhouse, and it was snowing! Most of it didn’t stick, but it was enough to have war cancelled for the day. The roads were too icy for insurgents to plant IEDs or shoot RPGs; they all stayed home and watched Nickelodeon. To make matters worse, apparently boss #2 got a lobotomy for Christmas. I wish I could go into specifics, but I can’t. Remember in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, when Judge Doom is run-over by the steamroller, and then comes back to life as a cartoon, and he has that high-pitched voice and is quite literally loony? Thats work right now. Did I mention my Soldiers got me a tshirt with a flaming skeleton on it? Pretty badass, pictures coming soon.
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